July 21, 2023
Russet - it’s actually a good thing. Some people think that apples with ‘russet’ on their skin have a defect - but these apples are sweeter. The skin russet is caused by the sun, meaning they have been exposed to more light and have developed a higher sweetness.
Russet - it’s actually a good thing. Some people think that apples with ‘russet’ on their skin have a defect - but these apples are sweeter. The skin russet is caused by the sun, meaning they have been exposed to more light and have developed a higher sweetness.
Our apples start with blossom - growing in groups of 5 with another flower in the middle. Bees come to the orchard to pollinate the flowers and from that point, our apples begin to grow.
Did you know that apples contain a variety of phytochemicals, including quercetin, catechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid, all of which are strong antioxidants.
Russet - it’s actually a good thing. Some people think that apples with ‘russet’ on their skin have a defect - but these apples are sweeter. The skin russet is caused by the sun, meaning they have been exposed to more light and have developed a higher sweetness.